Study support is learning activity outside normal lessons which young people take part in voluntarily. Study support is, accordingly, an inclusive term, embracing many activities - with many names and many guises.
Its purpose is to improve young people's motivation, build their self-esteem and help them to become more effective learners. Above all it aims to raise achievement and employability.
The participation of older people as volunteers or as students, provides an invaluable inspiration by raising awareness of the value and potential of life-long learning.
TTrust provides transport and learning activities which are relevant to the local community and which also provide social opportunities for meeting and making friends, free of charge.
Lizard Outreach Activities are open to all, but some are highlighted to individuals whose need and interest may be served by them. There are ten schools on the Lizard, nine small village primaries and one small comprehensive. Settlements are scattered and population density is low. Opportunities for out-of-school hours learning are limited due to lack of facilities on the peninsula e.g. no swimming pool, sports hall, theatre, and infrequent public transport.
Lizard Outreach Trust is a registered charity (no.1123062) and registered company (no. 06341098).